BSA Troop 267 

Fredonia NY


BSA Troop 267 is proudly sponsored by American Legion Post 59 in Fredonia, NY.

The Troop is open to all boys and girls who are 11 years old, or have completed the fifth grade, or earned the Arrow of Light Award and are at least 10 years old, but not yet 18 years old.

The Troop normally meets most Mondays at 7 PM. Post 59 is located at 156 East Main Street in Fredonia, NY

Scout Troop 267 is very concerned about your child's safety and well being, and follows the Boy Scouts of America youth protection guidelines. Information about these guidelines can be found here.

Troop 267 Annual Calendar

Scoutbook Calendar 

Please note sometimes there is a timezone issue with this calendar, please double check all times on Scoutbook 
If you would like to add this calendar to your's here is the link
Here is a link to the google version of this Calendar.
